
Free eye-tracking data visualisation

Transform eye gaze data from eye trackers to interactive scarf plots. No registration, no ads and no data stored on a server. We love open science.

Loading data

Rendering charts

Open source Svelte library

GazePlotter is an open source library, written in Svelte and TypeScript. You can use it for free or modify its code to fit your specific needs in your projects.

See GitHub repo

Works with Tobii, SMI & more

The app creates interactive sequence charts and other analysis from Tobii, SMI, GazePoint and other eye trackers. Just upload your data and see the results.

Which files to upload?

Interactive scarf plots

Scarf plots (sequence charts) are a great way to visualise eye-tracking data. They show the order of fixations in time and their hits on areas of interest (AOI). In GazePlotter, they are interactive, customisable and easy to share.

Simplest scarf plot in GazePlotter

Runs without Internet

GazePlotter does not store your data on a server, thus ensuring data privacy. All is done in your browser. You can use it on PCs, Macs, tablets, even off-line!

How to download GazePlotter?

Other eye tracking tools

Eye-Tracking Group at Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc, develops other eye tracking tools for free use.

More eye tracking tools